Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Car Accident

On Sunday night on the way home from one of Paul's Auntie's we had a car accident. The car skidded on the road and we ended up on our side in the ditch. I couldn't get out so Paul managed to get out and go to the house across the road and ask them to phone for an ambulance etc and ask for help. The Son came across and another car stopped and somehow I managed to stand up and the boys rocked the car and opened the back door and Paul moved one of the back seats and I somehow got out through the back door with help from Paul and these two boys (well young men). They helped me to the other side of the road. Legs very shaky and the family got a chair for me and a glass of water. I have to say I don't know what we'd have done without them and there are lovely nice helpful young people out there. I couldn't thank them enough. The ambulance guy's were amazing and they let me stay in the ambulance until Paul's Auntie arrived which the kind family let Paul use their phone to call her.

The car is a right off we think but we were luck to walk away and were told by a lot of people that we weren't the first people to have an accident there and they are sure we won't be the last. So now we wait for the Insurance Company's Assessor to look at it and get back to us. We're very sore and still still and a few bruises but very luck to be here. Someone was on our side that night.

Jenny x

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